Sunday, March 9, 2014

Clean Wooden Miniblinds

Wooden mini-blinds will provide years of service with the proper care

Knowing clean wooden mini-blinds properly is important considering how much it costs to install window treatments throughout your house. Improper cleaning will damage the wooden mini-blinds by discoloring or warping them. The key to proper cleaning of wooden mini-blinds is to use the correct soap very sparingly and to never use water. Cleaning a home with wooden mini-blinds throughout can be a daunting task unless it is approached on a regular basis.


1. Turn the wooden blinds so they are all facing in the same direction and vacuum with a soft-brush attachment. Turn the blinds in the other direction and vacuum the other side in the same manner.

2. Dampen a clean, soft cloth with oil soap or commercial wood cleaner. Spray the cloth with a spray bottle or dip the cloth into just enough cleaner to moisten. Do not get the cloth soaking wet, just damp.

3. Wipe the length of the wooden blinds in long, smooth strokes while using very gentle pressure on the cloth. The objective is to clean the blinds evenly without create lighter and darker areas.

4. Turn or replace the cloth as soon as dirt shows on the cloth. Spray or dampen the cloth lightly with oil soap again as it becomes dry.

Tips Warnings

Wear clean, soft cotton gloves sprayed very sparingly with liquid fabric softener and wipe both sides of the blinds once per month to keep dirt from building up.

Never use wax products on the blinds because these will seal in the dirt.

Use a paintbrush that is the same width as the blind slats by spraying the paintbrush sparingly with liquid fabric softener and wiping the blinds once weekly.

Never use detergent and water to clean the blinds because this can discolor or warp the wood.

Test wood cleaner on a hidden area of the blinds first to ensure it does not damage or discolor the wood.

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