Monday, August 12, 2013

The Best Email To Get For Kids

E-mail can be safe for kids.

Younger and younger children are using computers and asking for email addresses of their own. This can be a scary thought for parents who want to keep their children safe from online dangers. Several email options, though, provide safety options especially for children.

Kid Safe Mail

Kid Safe Mail is a pay service that provides kids with an email address and puts emails through a thorough filtering system that screens for spam and viruses. Kids can choose their own email addresses, and parents can opt to restrict who can send to and receive from their children. Parents can also opt to be sent copies of emails their children send or receive.

Kid Safe Mail

Zoo Bah

Zoo Bah is another pay service that provides email addresses for children. This service allows parents to make a contact list for their children. Kids can send email to and receive email from addresses on this list. Parents can also elect to have a copy of kids' email sent to them, and Zoo Bah offers a service that can filter out potentially unwanted language, links and images. Parents can also set a time restriction on the account ensuring that children do not spend too much time using email. Parents can also opt to read email before it goes to their child's account.

Zoo Bah


Gmail is a free email service popular with adults as well as children. Parents may be concerned about using Gmail, but the blog The Alert Parent points out that Gmail can be a safe option for children. Gmail allows parents to monitor the activity on a Gmail account and to set up various options for parental controls. Gmail offers a chat feature, but parents can turn this feature off and monitor activity in the chat rooms. Parents can also choose who their children can and cannot chat with in the chat area.


Tags: Parents also, their children, email addresses, Safe Mail, service that