Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Put A Camera Inside A Pvc Pipe To Make It Waterproof

The composition of PVC pipe makes it waterproof and well suited for use as a substitute for materials that could rust or corrode from water. You can capitalize on this characteristic of PVC pipe to shield a disposable video camera from being damaged while you're using it underwater. You will need supplies from a hardware store as well as tools that are common to most homes. The PVC pipe will become, in effect, a waterproof case for the camera.


1. Place the PVC pipe horizontally on a work surface. Apply quick-drying PVC cement around one end of the pipe. Place the piece of Plexiglas against the end of the PVC pipe that has the cement applied to it. Let the cement set for the amount of time that the instructions it comes with specify.

2. Press the "Record" button to start the disposable video camera recording. Insert the camera into the open end of the PVC pipe, with the lens facing toward the end of the pipe where the Plexiglas has been adhered.

3. Insert paper wadding into the pipe. Push the wadding into the pipe to force the lens of the disposable video camera against the Plexiglas. Fill the pipe with paper wadding to keep the camera from moving.

4. Place the PVC cap over the end of the pipe. Wrap silicone sealant tape around the cap where it meets the pipe to both secure and waterproof the end.

5. Place the end of the PVC pipe that has the Plexiglas in it beneath the water line, for example, in a swimming pool, to video-record underneath the water. Remove the pipe when you're done video-recording. Remove the silicone tape from around the PVC cap and take the wadding and the camera out of the pipe. Press the camera's "Stop" button.

Tags: disposable video, disposable video camera, video camera, camera from, into pipe, paper wadding, pipe that