Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Kidtough Digital Camera Troubleshooting

Upload images from the Kid-Tough Digital Camera to a computer.

The Kid-Tough Digital Camera by Fisher-Price is made specifically for children. The camera is a large, sturdy device made with heavy plastic and designed to take heavy beatings from children playing and tossing it. There are no moving lenses or zooms, and the only feature is the digital capture function. However, it is still possible to upload the images to a computer.


1. Check the lens of the Kid-Tough digital camera. If the lens has any dirt or fingerprints, images will be blurry. Clean off the lens with a damp cloth, then dry it off with a towel.

2. Replace the AA batteries of the Kid-Tough camera. If the batteries are dead the camera is not going to function or turn on. Due to the lack of features, though, the digital camera maintains a charge longer than most digital cameras.

3. Install the provided drivers on the Kid-Tough installation CD. Without the drivers installed on your computer, it fails to detect the Kid-Tough camera while connected.

4. Check the USB data cable connection while the Kid-Tough camera is connected. If the USB cable is not connected completely, the computer fails to detect the camera.

5. Disconnect the USB cable from the computer's USB port, then insert it into a different USB port on the system. Occasionally USB ports can die off and fail to function, in which case changing the connection port corrects the data transfer issues.

Tags: Kid-Tough camera, computer fails, computer fails detect, Digital Camera, fails detect