Monday, August 30, 2010

Use A Silver Reflector

Photography is all about the way that light reflects off objects. To improve the detail inside shadow areas on a model's face, use a silver reflector umbrella to bounce the light back at the model being photographed. The procedure is straightforward, but does require photographic equipment used in conjunction with the reflector.


1. Stand the tripod with the camera on it three feet in front of the model. Look through the camera's viewfinder or on its LCD screen to confirm that the model's head is within the confines of the frame. Place a spirit level on the top of the camera. Tilt the tripod's levers forward and backward, and left and right, until the bubble on the level is even between the two imprinted lines. Tighten the knobs on the two levers to lock their position.

2. Place one of the two camera stands that have incandescent lamps connected to them on the right side of the tripod with the camera. Raise the rod on the stand that is to the camera's right until it is even with the lens. Angle the lamp so that it is facing the model. Tighten the two knobs to lock the levers in position.

3. Place the other camera stand on the right side of the camera, even with the left side of the model. Move the stand a foot toward the camera. Raise the rod on the stand so that the lamp is a foot above the camera. Angle the lamp so it is facing the model. Tighten the knobs on the two levers on the stand to lock their position.

4. Screw a lens shade on the front of the camera lens. Plug extension cords into each of the power cords attached to the lamps. Plug the two extension cords into outlets.

5. Place the rod at the bottom of the silver reflector umbrella into the socket at the top of the camera stand. Tighten the knob at the side of the tripod to lock the rod inside. Stand the camera stand that has the silver reflector umbrella on it even with the model's right side (which is to your left). Move the camera stand a foot toward the camera.

6. Open the silver reflector umbrella. Turn the stand so that the umbrella is facing you. Angle the umbrella toward you so that the inside is aimed at the model at a 45-degree angle. Stand in front of the model. Hold your hand in front of the right side of her face (to your left). Move the hand away to confirm that light is being bounced back from the reflector into the shadow side of her face.

Tags: camera stand, reflector umbrella, right side, silver reflector, silver reflector umbrella