Monday, February 7, 2011

Set Up A Computer To A Series 2 Tivo

You have to use what's called a "network connection" to set up your Series 2 TiVo DVR to your computer. In order to set up a network connection you need a network router. The basic set up process involves linking your computer, your computer's modem and your Series 2 TiVo DVR to the same network router in order to establish communication between the devices. Once the network is set up you can download and install TiVo Desktop software onto your computer, which (among other things) allows you to to copy shows stored in your TiVo DVR to your computer.


1. Use your telephone cable to link the telephone jack on your modem to the telephone jack on your wall.

2. Run one of your Ethernet cables from the "WLAN" port on your network router (this port may also be labeled "Internet" or "WAN"). to the Ethernet port on your modem. Connect your modem to a power source and turn it on.

3. Make sure your network router is plugged in. Turn it on. Wait a moment for WLAN (or "Internet" or "WAN") indicator light to come on. This signifies that your router has successfully connected to your modem. If the light doesn't come on, go over the previous steps again to make sure your connections are right. The problem could be something as simple as a cable not being snapped in all the way.

4. Take a second Ethernet cable and run it from one of the Ethernet ports on your router to the Ethernet port on your computer. Boot up your computer.

5. Insert your Ethernet adapter into a USB port on the back of your TiVo.

6. Connect one end of your remaining Ethernet cable to one of the unused Ethernet ports on your router. Plug the other end of the cable into your Ethernet adapter.

7. Turn on your TiVo box and television set.

8. Open TiVo Central by pressing the "TiVo" button on your TiVo remote. Navigate through the menu options to select "Messages & Settings," "Settings," "Network & Phone," and "Use network instead." Wait for your TiVo box to detect your network connection. When it does the IP Address screen will appear. Select "Get automatically from DHCP server."

9. Use the resource link provided in this article to download and install TiVo's Desktop software.

Tags: your computer, your TiVo, network router, your modem, network connection, port your