Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Teach Yourself Adobe Flash Cs3 Professional

Adobe Flash Professional is one of the most versatile graphics applications available. In its various incarnations, it is used by graphics artists worldwide for many different projects. The most current version in April 2011 is Flash CS5, but many people still have access to older versions like CS3. If you have Flash CS3 Professional on your computer and would like to learn use it, there are a number of ways to go about it.


1. Study the Flash CS3 online help and manual at Adobe. Go to this directly from the help menu in the program, or go to Adobe from your browser. Also, Adobe TV has free video tutorials.

2. Join online sites that offer Flash tutorials. You will likely have to join general Flash sites and look for tutorials related to CS3. Many of these sites will also have forums where you can ask questions.

3. Sign up for courses in your community on Flash. They will probably cover the latest version, but much of it will still be relevant to CS3. You can pay for online courses from such sites as VTC or

4. Study books about CS3. Try to get ones that are project based, since these are often the most helpful. Some you might consider are "Adobe Flash CS3 Professional Classroom in a Book" by the Adobe Creative Team, "Adobe Flash CS3 Professional Hands-On Training" by Todd Perkins and "Adobe Flash CS3 Professional How-Tos: 100 Essential Techniques" by Mark Schaeffer.

Tags: Flash Professional, Adobe Flash, Adobe Flash Professional