Monday, December 23, 2013

Get Instant Battery Life On My Cell Phone

A cell phone can be a lifeline when traveling, especially when driving alone. A dead cell phone battery can leave you stranded with no way to call for help, but if you have an instant cell phone charger, you can get instant battery life. Instant chargers are available at many department stores, cell phone retailers, gas stations and convenience stores. Instant battery chargers for cell phones are designed for specific models, but some chargers are equipped with multiple charger connections to fit different phone models.


1. Purchase an instant cell phone charger kit. The package will list the phones it will charge, so if yours is not listed, find another kit. Some department stores sell extra adapter kits with different-sized tips; thus, an instant charger is usable for almost every model cell phone.

2. Insert the appropriate batteries into the instant cell phone charger, if the model you purchase requires batteries. Some instant cell phone chargers transfer power from two small AA or AAA batteries to your cell phone. Other models are single-use instant cell phone chargers and are not reusable. Select the model that will best meet your needs.

3. Plug the instant cell phone charger into your phone's charger connection. The charge should transfer from the charger to the phone in just seconds or minutes. Most instant cell phone chargers have a light that indicates that the energy is getting transferred. When the light goes out, your cell phone should be fully charged.

Tags: cell phone, instant cell, instant cell phone, phone charger, cell phone charger, cell phone chargers