Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Pay Red Light Citations Online In Albuquerque

Undisputed red light citations can be paid online in Albuquerque.

Albuquerque, like most major cities in the United States, has added red light cameras to reduce the number of people driving through red lights in dangerous or busy intersections. Unfortunately for those who do drive through a red light, this means an automatic citation is mailed to the address matched with the license plate. Paying the fine can be done by mail but that requires a check. You can go in person, but that can take a lot of time most people don't have. Albuquerque now provides an online way to pay, saving you time and checks.


1. Log onto the Web site PhotoNotice. A link to the site is provided in the resource section.

2. Type in your citation number, license plate number and the city code of ABQ for Albuquerque on the front screen.

3. Enter your name, address and credit card information.

4. Pay your fine by clicking the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen.

Tags: license plate