Thursday, July 4, 2013

Dinner Fundraising Ideas

When you think of dinner fund-raisers, you might think of a typical spaghetti dinner, but don't limit yourself to that. You can be as creative as you want when it comes to planning a dinner fund-raiser. People like food, and they like fun community events, so if you provide both, you're sure to draw a large crowd.

Master of Ceremonies

A good master of ceremonies can make your dinner fund-raiser more lively. Ask an outgoing friend or relative with a good sense of humor to fill the role. He can conduct the raffle, auction, or any other extras you might have at your dinner, as well as introducing speakers and a band, if you choose to have one.

Create a Theme

Try holding a dinner with a theme. It could be a cultural theme such as "Taste of Thailand," in which you decorate the room with pictures and props from another country. Round up any chefs you know and enlist them to help with the menu. You can even teach your guests traditional songs and games, or encourage them to dress in costume.

Dinner Dance

Without much extra effort, you could have a dinner dance. Enlist a musically inclined friend or relative to be the disc jockey or have a local band play. Let speakers from your organization talk before the meal to raise awareness for your cause.

Wine Tasting

Organize a social wine tasting with hors d'oeuvres or other food. Feature wine selections from a nearby winery (if there is one) or from around the world. Schedule a local musician (perhaps a friend who is willing to contribute her time) play the violin, cello or piano to entertain your guests during the event. Display the work of local artists and invite local poets to perform. You might hold a silent auction during this event. Suggest that your guests make a donation of a certain amount at the door, with a sliding scale to accommodate different budgets.


An auction can be silent or loud. Ask people from your organization to bring items to donate, and gather items from friends and family to auction. In addition to items, offer time and skills. For instance, one person might contribute a one-hour violin lesson and another might offer two hours of gardening help. Everyone has something to contribute.


To make more money during the dinner, consider hosting a raffle. You can raffle off small prizes donated by local businesses, such as movie tickets or bowling passes, or try to obtain a few bigger-ticket items.

Keep It Entertaining

Activities held at different points during the night will keep your audience engaged. Try holding a spelling bee for adults or give people brain teasers to figure out for a prize. In "Creative Fundraising Ideas for Your Non-profit," Matthew Paulson suggests holding a "charity goat auction." Or auction a particularly hideous centerpiece or other decoration, telling everyone the winner must keep it displayed in his home for at least a week. Enter people in a raffle and then ask them to pay "goat insurance" to remove their name while entering several other people. The cycle continues until you decide to announce the winner.

Tags: your guests, dinner fund-raiser, friend relative, from your, from your organization