Friday, July 15, 2011

Remove A Soft Contact Lens

Remove a Soft Contact Lens

Soft lenses are made of flexible plastics great for an active lifestyle, but they require a constant cleaning or replacement. Follow these steps to remove your contact lenses and have them cleaned.


1. Follow and save the directions that come with your lenses. Request literature from your eye-care practitioner about caring for contact lenses.

2. Be exact in following the directions that come with each lens-care product. If you have questions, ask your eye-care practitioner or pharmacist.

3. Wash and rinse your hands before handling lenses. Fragrance-free soap is best.

4. Use 2 or 3 drops of your saline solution or your lubricating/rewetting drops in each eye 10 minutes before removing a soft contact lens. This will hydrate the lens so that it's not dry when you remove it.

5. Work over a table with a soft towel covering the top. If you work over a sink, close the drain and use a washcloth to cover the drain area.

6. Take out the right lens first, then the left, always.

7. Look up, touch the lens, and let it slide down and over to the outside corner of the eye. The lens will bunch up, so it's easy to fold out with your fingertips and grab out of your eye.

8. To remove a lens that you cannot get out with your fingertips, miniature suction cups are available at most pharmacies. These are recommended mostly with hard contact lenses, although the cups could be useful with soft lenses too.

9. Don't worry about a contact lens being lost in your eye; it can't happen. If it slides under your eyelid or becomes displaced, try looking in the opposite direction of where the lens is and nudge it with your finger on your lid, towards the pupil of your eye.

Tags: with your, contact lenses, come with, contact lens, directions that, directions that come, eye-care practitioner