Monday, April 11, 2011

Sew A Camera Bag

Most cameras today are small and portable with technology certainly meeting convenience halfway. However, seldom do these same cameras come with their own carrying case. The good news is that sewing a camera bag yourself isn't that difficult. Very little fabric is needed for the task and making it yourself gives lots of flexibility on style. With just a short afternoon, a new homemade camera bag can be made.


1. Sew the pre-quilted strip of fabric to three sides of one of the pre-quilted rectangles with right sides together. Leave one six inch side exposed. Sew one of the other pre-quilted rectangles to the strip on the other side with right sides together.

2. Repeat for the lining, however leave a three inch gap, back-stitching to secure, at the bottom of one of the rectangles. This will give a hole to pull the bag right side out through.

3. Pair the final pre-quilted rectangle with the final liner rectangle with right sides together. Sew around all sides but leave a three inch opening along one of the six inch edges.

4. Turn the final rectangle right side out through the hole. Smooth out the seams as much as possible, ironing if necessary. Stitch the opening shut. This creates a flap to close the camera bag.

5. With the pre-quilted fabric bag turned right sides in, pin the completed flap to the edge of the bag with the flap hanging inside the bag. Pin the nylon strap on each side with the strap inside the bag as well.

6. Set the lining bag inside the quilted bag with its right sides facing out. Pin along all the edges. Sew the bag together around the edges. Take back-stitches over the straps to secure.

7. Turn the entire bag right side out through the hole in the lining. Stitch the hole closed. Stitch around the edges once more to secure the bag and ensure the flap faces the correct way naturally.

Tags: right sides, with right, with right sides, right side, right side through, right sides together, side through