Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Insert Shure Ec2 Sound Isolating Earphones

For over 80 years, Shure has been in the business of making audio sound good. The EC2 earphones are designed to fit snugly in your ears and reduce the outside noise so that you get high quality sound without any distractions. In order to get the highest quality sound from your EC2 sound isolating earphones, they must be inserted properly. To insert your earphones properly, follow the steps below.


Choose and Attach the Correct Earphone Sleeve

1. The EC2 comes with several choices of sleeves that fit over the earphone stem. Choose from small, medium or large flex sleeves or soft flex sleeves, or the self-adjusting foam sleeves.

2. Choose the sleeve that fits most comfortably in your ear canal and forms a tight seal, but is easy to remove.

3. Slide the earphone stem into the sleeve.

4. Check the sleeve to make sure that it is firmly attached to the earphone stem.

Insert Earphones Without Sleeves into Your Ears

5. Check the right and left markings on the earphones to be sure you're inserting the correct earphone into the correct ear.

6. Hold the earphone even with your ear canal, and carefully press the earphone sleeve into the ear.

7. Twist slightly back and forth to seat earphones properly.

Insert Earphones with Foam Sleeves into Your Ear

8. Compress foam sleeve between your thumb and forefinger.

9. Press the sleeve into the ear canal.

10. Hold the earphone in place for about ten seconds while the foam expands to create a tight seal.

Tags: earphone stem, earphones properly, flex sleeves, Hold earphone, Insert Earphones