Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Format A 4gb Micro Sd

Format a 4GB SD Card

Microsoft Windows has had the ability to format memory cards greater than 2GB in size beginning with a hot fix issued for Windows XP. Prior to that, removable media was limited to a maximum of 2GB in size due to the FAT disk format. Windows Vista includes improved support for large capacity memory cards. Windows 7 also continues this improved support.


1. Turn the computer on and log into the Windows system.

2. Insert the SD memory card into the computer's card reader.

3. Open "Windows Explorer" from the Windows Start menu in the Accessories folder. Expand the Computer tree to show all of the drives on the computer.

4. Right-click on the drive that contains the SD memory card. Choose the "Format" option from the context menu.

5. Select "FAT32" from the File System drop down selection on the Format Local Disk dialog. Leave all other options as set by default.

6. Click "Start" to begin formatting. Windows will open a notification dialog when the process is complete.

Tags: improved support, memory card, memory cards