Friday, October 4, 2013

Understand Home Theater Center Channel Speakers

Understanding home theater center channel speakers is key to getting the best performance from your equipment and optimizing your enjoyment from films and television.


1. Know that the center channel conveys the dialogue. You'll want to be able to hear every word during loud and quiet sequences.

2. Center channel speakers carry very little music or sound effects. Those come from the right and left speakers and sub-woofer.

3. Look at the Frequency Response Curve for a speaker. You'll want to make sure there are no spikes or dips in this range. The frequency range for human speech is 500Hz-8kHz.

4. Make sure your speaker is compatible with your amplifier. You don't want a cheap amplifier trying to drive sound to a huge speaker, and vice versa.

5. Purchase center channel speakers with an impedance rating of 6 - 8 Ohms. Impedance tells how well power will flow through the speaker. If power is "impeded," the sound quality will be diminished.

6. Higher sensitivity (measured in decibels) speakers are better. Anything above 90 Db is best. Anything below is going to take extra power to drive, and will put a strain on your amplifier.

Tags: center channel, channel speakers, your amplifier