Monday, October 28, 2013

Diy Augmented Reality Systems

Augmented reality applications are available for GPS enabled mobile devices.

Augmented reality allows users to create and interact with location based data and graphics. Each location is called a Point of Interest (POI), and multiple POIs create an augmented reality environment. There are three major augmented reality applications: Junaio, Wikitude and Layar. In the past, these applications required an understanding of coding and networking in order to create augmented reality environments, however Hoppala, an augmented reality web service based in Germany, has made augmented reality environment creation much easier, requiring only a computer and internet access.


1. Create a Hoppala account. Click on the "Hoppala Augmentation" button in the upper right of the Hoppala website, and click "Create Your Account Here." Provide your contact information, and an email will be sent to you with your username and password.

2. Register to become a developer at Junaio, Wikitude or Layar. Enter your contact information into the fields provided, and the augmented reality application provider will send an email with your username and password.

3. Return to the Hoppala Augmentation site. Enter your username and password to access the site, and click "Add Overlay" when the Hoppala dashboard appears. Pan the map to the location where you would like to place your POI and click "Add Augment" at the bottom of the screen. A red marker will appear where your cursor is, and you can move the red marker to the precise location of your POI. Take care in placing the red marker because the coordinates for the POI are extremely precise.

4. Click on the marker and enter the POI information, such as title, description, images and altitude. Create a more robust POI by completing all of the information fields on the red marker. Click "Save," and click "Dashboard." Highlight the overlay URL, and copy the highlighted text.

5. Open another internet browser window and sign in to the developer's section of Junaio, Wikitude, or Layar. Create a new augmented reality environment; each of the application providers uses a different name for the environment--Junaio calls the environment a channel, Wikitude calls the environment a world and Layar calls the environment a layer.

6. Complete the environment information in the developer's section of the augmented reality application's website. Paste the Hoppala overlay URL in Junaio's "Callback URL" field, in Wikitude's "Hoppala URL" field under "Hoppala Web Service" or in Layar's "API Endpoint URL" field. Click "Save" and open your mobile device's augmented reality application.

7. Test your environment on your mobile device using your application's developer settings. If everything is correct, request the environment be published on the developer's section of the augmented reality application's website. The environment will be viewable by the public within a week.

Tags: augmented reality, augmented reality application, reality application, your username password, augmented reality environment, calls environment