Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Block Bill Collector And Telemarketer Calls

Are you just fed up with receiving calls from the same bill collectors and telemarketers on an ongoing basis? They refuse to stop calling even though you've repeatedly told them you don't want to hear from them any longer. Well no mas! There are very simple and affordable devices you can purchase to stop the madness. Make a small investment in your peace of mind.


1. Purchase the Caller ID with Ring Regulator (see direct link to this product in "Resources" at the bottom of this page).

2. Connect the device to your phone.

3. Program the numbers that you want blocked into the caller ID box. You have to classify them as either A-list (always get through), B-list (only get through at certain times), and R-list (always get rejected). You can also just save your caller ID memory.

4. With this device you will not only stop annoying bill collectors or telemarketers from getting through, you can also prevent anyone (or a select list of people) from calling your house after or before a certain hour. So if you don't want to hear from your party-loving cousin after 10pm at night you can block his or her number using this device and send him or directly to voicemail! Problem solved.

Tags: bill collectors, bill collectors telemarketers, collectors telemarketers, hear from, this device, want hear