Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Create Brand Names

A memorable brand name is the first step to developing a trustworthy and profitable brand. Before you create your brand name, consider the future of your business. Your name (and accompanying logo) will need to look good online, on product labels, letterheads, signs and billboards. It may also need to serve as an umbrella name for new products as your business grows.


1. Brainstorm words to describe your business's values and personality. Values include the things your business believes in, while personality represents the attitude of your business. Products for children may emphasize innocence and play, while a line of frozen food may want to emanate authenticity, comfort or health.

2. Choose which type of brand name best applies to your business. Do you want a strictly descriptive name, which immediately indicates what your business does or provides? Do you want an evocative name (one that makes a reference to your business without explicitly stating it) or do you want an abstract name?

3. Hire a graphic designer to work with you on developing a logo and name. Often, logos can convey more about your business than a name---or the two can work together to provide the desired effect. For example, you can use a descriptive name for your business but spice it up with a classy typeface or sleek colors.

4. Create a name with the consumer in mind. Make it easy to remember (three words or less is a good rule of thumb), easy to pronounce, possible to translate into other languages, and timeless. Imagine your business several years from now: will your brand name still apply to your goods, services and modern technology, or will it sound dated?

5. Make sure your chosen name isn't already protected by a trademark.

Tags: your business, brand name, descriptive name, your brand, your brand name