Friday, June 7, 2013

File For A Ham Radio Operator'S License

Amateur radio - "ham radio" - allows you to use powerful high frequency and very high frequency radio spectrums for recreational and public service purposes. In the United States, you need to get a license from the Federal Communications Commission to operate a ham radio.


1. Be prepared to study. You'll need to pass an exam written by the FCC.

2. Find a neighborhood ham operator and introduce yourself. Many hams like to "Elmer," or mentor, prospective amateur operators.

3. Locate a ham club and attend meetings. Most clubs offer license-study classes and arrange for testing.

4. Gather material from the American Radio Relay League, the nation's premier radio organization. Study materials should cost less than $50.

5. Study first for the Technician license.

6. Devote at least a half-hour each day to the radio. You should be able to pass the Technician test within four to six weeks.

7. Have your Elmer or the local club help you find a VEC (volunteer exam coordinator). Exam fees should be less than $10.

8. Expect your license from the FCC in three to six weeks.

Tags: high frequency, less than, license from