Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Use Nikon Sb800 With R1c1

The Nikon R1C1 is used for macro photography.

The Nikon R1C1 is a wireless external flash system designed for close up or macro photography. The system includes the Nikon SU-800 Commander Unit and two SB-R200 Wireless Remote Speedlight units that are designed to work on lenses mounted to single lens reflex cameras, either digital or film. The Commander unit works with the Nikon's i-TTL metering system and provides metering and flash information to the two SB-R200 Wireless remote flash units. You can also add a third external Nikon Speedlight, like the SB-800 for increased flash photography capabilities.


1. Attach the SB-R200 Wireless Speedlight to the front of the Nikon macro lens you are using. The Speedlights are attached via a large circular mounting bracket.

2. Slide the SU-800 Commander unit onto the Nikon camera's hot shoe and attach the camera with the Speedlights and Commander unit to a sturdy tripod.

3. Position the tripod so you can compose the picture you are photographing.

4. Attach the SB-800 Speedlight to a flash stand or mini tripod, position the flash stand or mini tripod above and behind your subject with the flash head angled down towards the subject.

5. Turn the SB-800, the Nikon camera, the SU-800 and the two SB-R200 Speedlights on.

6. Turn the small dials on the SB-R200 to "Channel 1" and select "A" on one flash and "B" on the other flash.

7. Press the mode button on the SU-800 and select "Channel 1" press the "A-B" button in the middle of the unit and select the power to be "1:1." Press the mode button again select "Channel 2" and set the power to be "1:.5." This will tell the SB-800 to shoot at half the power compared to the two small units connected to the camera lens. The SB-800 will provide a softer fill light from above your subject.

8. Look through the viewfinder of the camera, press the shutter release to activate the camera's auto focus metering system.

9. Press the shutter release fully to take the picture.

Tags: SB-R200 Wireless, Commander unit, flash stand, flash stand mini, macro photography, metering system