Thursday, October 20, 2011

Diy Uses For Old Cell Phone Lithium Ion Carriers

Almost all cell phones currently used a lithium-ion battery.

Most electronic cell phones now use some sort of a lithium-ion battery. The batteries are lighter and have longer life expectancies than the previous batteries used for cell phones. This is also why such small batteries are used in current models. If you have purchased a new model of phone but still have the previous battery there are several options available for what to do with your lithium-ion carrier battery


1. Test the old lithium-ion battery in your newer model of phone. If you are using a similar model of phone, just an upgraded version, you are going to find the old battery probably functions in the new device. This gives you two different batteries you can rotate between.

2. Compare the voltage on the old battery with any other electronic device that runs of off lithium-ion. If the voltage is the same you can use the old battery with the electronic equipment, even if the equipment is a power tool or computer hardware. If the size of the battery does not match the current equipment you can purchase a battery adapter at a local electronic store. This allows you to hook up the old battery with the new equipment.

3. Take the battery to a local electronic store. Here you can recycle the lithium-ion battery. Some locations give you a rebate for new equipment or even pay you for the battery. Call ahead to make sure the location accepts and recycles the batteries.

Tags: lithium-ion battery, battery with, cell phones, model phone, batteries used