Thursday, October 20, 2011

Repair A Camera Focus

Occasionally you need to adjust the focus on your camera.

When using a camera, either digital or film, still or video, it is important to have a functioning focus. If the focus is off, your image will be blurry (or the wrong subject matter will be in focus). This detracts and often completely ruins the image. To repair your focus you must use a few different troubleshooting steps.


1. Adjust the eyepiece to properly fit your eye. Some cameras and video cameras allow you to adjust the glass in the eyepiece. If you wear glasses and remove your glasses while using the camera, you need to make sure the subject matter is still in focus. A small focus ring is found under the eyepiece when this option is available.Turn the focus ring until the piece displays the subject matter in focus.

2. Clean off the camera lens. If there is dust, dirt or any other debris stuck to the lens, you need to clean it off. A dirty lens is going to throw off the focus of the camera, especially when it is in auto focus mode.

3. Set the camera to "Manual Focus." This gives you complete control over the focus options of the camera. Zoom in completely to your subject matter, then adjust the focus until it comes in clear. Zoom out of the subject until you have the desired framing. Sometimes when setting the focus before zooming in you may actually have a soft focus on the image, even without knowing it.

4. Take the camera into a local camera repair facility if the manual focus is still not working. One of the lenses may be slightly off. As all cameras are different, there is not a single way to correct the lens. The repair location is going to most likely recalibrate the lens by removing it, look for any cracks and then set it back into the camera.

Tags: subject matter, adjust focus, focus ring, focus your, using camera