Monday, March 14, 2011

Tutorial For Making A Filmstrip Image In Adobe Photoshop

Use Photoshop to create a filmstrip graphic.

If you are creating an article, sign or Web page in some way related to the cinema, you should consider including a graphic that looks like a section of filmstrip. This can create a visual association in the mind of the viewer before she even reads the text. If you have a copy of Adobe Photoshop, creating such a filmstrip is quick and easy.


1. Load an image you would like to use in your filmstrip.

2. Open Photoshop. Select "File," "New." In the dialog box, enter the width and height you want for your filmstrip graphic. Click "OK."

3. Select "File," "Open." In the dialog box, locate and open the image you loaded in step 1. Use the "Copy" and "Paste" functions under Edit" to place this image in the first document.

4. Use the "Move" tool and the "Scale" function under "Transform" to place the image where it should be to represent the first frame of the filmstrip. Go to the "Layers" panel and right-click on the image layer. Choose "Duplicate Layer." Repeat this to produce as many copies as you need for your film strip.

5. Use the "Move" tool to position the copies in a line for a filmstrip. Click on the "New Layer" button.

6. Select the "Paintbucket" tool. Use it to fill the top layer with black. At the top of the "Layers" panel, reduce the opacity of the layer to 30 percent.

7. Use the "Rectangular" tool to make selections for in the top layer for the images and for the tine holes in the filmstrip. Delete these selections and return the opacity of the layer to 100 percent. Save your work.

Tags: Adobe Photoshop, filmstrip graphic, layer percent, Layers panel, Move tool, opacity layer