Monday, September 28, 2009

Types Of Video Surveillance

Closed circuit television (CCTV) system are found in many workplaces.

Video surveillance has become an integral part of security and law enforcement in today's society. It may be used both to investigate crimes as well as detect potential threats. Video surveillance may also be employed by businesses that cannot afford on-site guards. Conspicuous cameras deter criminal activities as well as record evidence in the event of a robbery.

Hidden Cameras

The Federal Bureau of Investigations and other law enforcement agencies frequently use hidden video cameras to aid them in criminal investigations. While video equipment used to be very bulky, new microchip technologies have resulted in for pocket size cameras that may record activity at close range without a high risk of detection. Oftentimes, these cameras may be hidden or even sold as part of commonplace objects such as clocks or "EXIT" signs. These devices function by wireless transmitter so that cords do not give away their location.

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Systems

You probably have seen a security guard sitting behind a bank of monitors that display various hallways and rooms in a building. This technology is known as a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) System. By monitoring important sectors of a building, security guards do not have to spend as much time on foot patrol. Besides protecting against theft and vandalism, CCTVs may be used in the workplace or schools to analyze incidents and discourage misconduct. Given the vast amount of material to be recorded (e.g., eight video cameras taping footage 24 hours day), many CCTV systems use time lapse video recording.

Low-Light Surveillance

Most video cameras are optimized to function in direct sunlight or in well-lit areas. However, situations may arise when light is not available. For instance, a military reconnaissance team will not be able to use flashlights to grope their way through enemy territory. Fortunately, infrared video cameras pick up light outside of a human's visual color spectrum. Typical video cameras may be outfitted with a special infrared attachment for use in low-light conditions. Another option would be to buy a thermal imaging video camera that can pick up heat emitted by objects (e.g., a human being sneaking across a cornfield in the dead of night). Thermal imaging cameras also may be useful for aerial surveillance of marijuana crops because they emit more heat than other plant life.

Long-Range Surveillance

Criminals wary of video surveillance make elusive targets. They may avoid speaking about sensitive issues inside their homes or offices. Some even cover their mouths to keep someone from reading their lips. However, cameras equipped with extra long lenses can pick up clear images from hundreds of yards away. These devices are often used with specialized shotguns or directional microphones that can pick up sound from long distances.

Tags: video cameras, Circuit Television CCTV, Closed Circuit, Closed Circuit Television, that pick