Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Identify Quantaray Lenses

Quantaray is the house-brand of photographic equipment sold exclusively at Ritz camera stores. Quantaray lenses are made by Sigma, a Japanese company, with the Quantaray name exclusively for Ritz camera. They are also affiliated with high-end names like Nikon and Canon, which sell Quantaray lenses with their logos as economical alternatives to their higher-priced lenses. Quantaray lenses are made with less expensive materials than their pricey counter-parts like stock Nikon or Olympus lenses. The optical and structural quality of Quantaray lenses compared to their pricier counterparts is debated among photographers.


1. Sitting down, preferably at a stable table or desk, hold the camera and lens or just the lens securely in one hand under a bright light.

2. With your free hand, hold a magnifying glass over the lens to examine it under bright light.

3. Viewing the lens under the magnifier, locate the lens description that is found near the base of the lens where it mounts to the camera body.

4. Look at the lens description, which should include the name, model and focal range of the SLR lens, for example, Nikon Quantaray 70 to 300mm.

5. If the lens description includes the word Quantaray, you can be certain it is a Quantaray lens, for example Quantaray 19 to 35mm f/3.5-4.5 (made by Hoya) or Quantaray 18 to 200mm 3.5 to 6.3 Lens f/Canon DSLR or Quantaray 18 to 200mm DC 3.5-6.3 Lens F/Nikon DSLR.

Tags: lens description, Quantaray lenses, 200mm Lens, bright light, exclusively Ritz, exclusively Ritz camera