Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Get The Right Antenna For Your Hdtv Home Theater System

To get the most out of your high definition home theater system you'll need to get an HDTV antenna for receiving a high definition signal. You can subscribe to a cable or satellite company and receive high definition channels. Depending on your area, you may be able to receive free over-the-air high definition television by simply erecting an HD antenna. Here's get the right antenna for your HDTV home theater system.


1. Make sure the remainder of your home theater system is HD compatible. Without an HD television, cables and receiver, an HD antenna will do you no good. You can purchase HDTV and HDTV-compatible equipment at Best Buy or American.

2. Buy a directional antenna if you know where the HD signal is coming from. Then, set it up to point in that direction. Determine the direction of the HD broadcast station and mount the antenna so it is facing in that direction. Make sure there are no obstacles in the way of the antenna and the signal source.

3. Buy an omni-directional antenna if you don't know where the signal is coming from. These have a shorter range but basically point in all directions at the same time. Mount the omni-directional antenna high on your roof and make sure it has a clear view of the sky in all directions.

4. Buy an outdoor antenna if possible. Mount the antenna on a roof or porch. The signal will be better.

5. Buy an antenna with a warranty, and buy it from a store with a good return policy, like Costco or Target, in case the antenna doesn't work well for your home theater system.

Tags: high definition, home theater, home theater system, theater system, antenna know, antenna know where