Friday, July 26, 2013

Use A Tamron 200500 Lens

When you can't get physically close to the action, use a Tamron 200-500mm lens. This ultra close-up telephoto zoom lens makes it easy to get face shots of your little leaguer at bat or detailed photos of backyard birds frolicking in the bird bath. Although the lens weighs in at a hefty 43.6 ounces (Reference 1, Specs Tab), a tripod or monopod can easily steady the burden of the nearly 9-inch long lens (Reference 1, Specs Tab).


1. Attach the Tamron 200-500mm lens to a digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera body. Line up the red-dot markers on the base of the lens with the corresponding markings on the front opening on the body of the DSLR. Seat the lens into the opening, and give it a quarter-turn to the right to lock it on the mount.

2. Put a protective filter on the Tamron lens. Choose a UV, haze or sky filter to protect the lens from splashes of rain or moisture, without altering the quality of the resulting image. Use a clockwise motion to thread a sized 86 filter onto the end of the lens (Reference 1, Specs Tab).

3. Stable the camera and lens by attaching a monopod or tripod. Use a monopod for greater mobility with the camera and lens combo. Choose this option when walking the sidelines of a football game or following a cross-country track meet. Select a tripod for stationary subjects, such as birds on a feeder or scenery.

4. Use the lens to capture subjects at a distance. Attach this lens to a Canon, Nikon or Sony brand DSLR when it is not feasible to get close to the subject matter such as athletics, distance views or when you don't want to intrude on the subject. Photographing wildlife must be at a distance for the safety of the animals and the photographer. Startling the wildlife is less likely by using the Tamron 200-500mm lens at a distance.

5. Set the shutter speed at an inverse to the focal length. Use a fast enough shutter speed to eliminate the chance of motion blur caused by holding the camera lens. Choose 1/200 or faster when using the lens at 200mm; choose 1/500 or faster when using the lens at 500mm. Increase the film speed equivalency on the camera body or the aperture setting on the camera to gain a faster shutter speed.

Tags: 200-500mm lens, camera lens, Reference Specs, shutter speed, Tamron 200-500mm, Tamron 200-500mm lens