Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Use A Casio Calculator

A Casio calculator is very easy to use.

A calculator is a common tool to have for students and professionals alike. A variety of mathematical operations can be performed using a calculator. Basic calculators will have number keys as well as multiplication, division, subtraction and addition functions. More sophisticated models may be able to perform advanced functions. Casio produces a variety of calculators including basic, desktop, scientific and financial models. Operating a calculator is easy once the user has become familiar with its layout.


1. Press the "On" or "AC" button to activate your calculator.

2. Using the number keys, enter the first set of numbers to be calculated. The number pad has dedicated buttons for 0 to 9; a decimal key is located just below the number keys on most Casio models.

3. Using the operation keys, enter the mathematics operation to be performed. Press "Shift" if you need to access a button's secondary function. Once you've pressed the "Shift" button, pressing a key will activate the function displayed above the button.

4. Enter the second set of numbers to be computed, if necessary.

5. Press the "Equal" button (=) to compute and display the answer.

6. Press "Clear" (the "C" button) to start over.

Tags: number keys, keys enter