Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Organize A Camera Computer Accessories & Cords

Organizing your computer cords and accessories will leave your office with a more efficient design.

Organizing your camera and computer accessories can enhance your professional productivity and help eliminate stress. If you are using a standard desk, chances are that you will not have enough drawer space to accommodate your cords and equipment. Some useful tricks and tips will keep you organized and create an efficient design while giving you peace of mind.



1. Select a camera bag with compartments to house your camera and its accessories. Locate the camera compartment, which may include multiple slots for different size cameras. Choose the compartment where your camera will fit best and insert it with the lends toward the bottom of the bag.

2. Place camera lenses in one of the compartments designated for lenses in your bag. Match the size of the slots to the size of the lenses. Locate empty slots nearby for filters, since they often are used with lenses.

3. Position the battery or charger in a convenient compartment for quick access. Find an inner pocket with a zipper to store your memory card, since they must be stored carefully. Use a resealable plastic bag to store your memory card if your bag does not have the feature.


4. Coil the cords of small, tangle-prone computer accessories and cables. Place them into an empty, translucent plastic holder. Label each case with a sticker for convenient identification.

5. Drill a 1- to 2-inch hole in a discreet location on your desk. Thread you computer cords through the hole. Place a power strip under your desk or hide it in a closed area. Snake the cords through the hole and plug them into the power strip.

6. Transform a small, decorative box into an organizer for smaller computer accessories, including web cameras and routers. Purchase an open-shelf rolling cart to file paperwork, and organize your telephone, printer and keyboard for more workspace on the desk.

Tags: computer accessories, your camera, computer cords, cords through, cords through hole, efficient design, memory card