Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What Is Needed To Watch Tv On A Computer

Thanks to the fact that many television networks now stream their shows over the Internet, watching TV on a computer is easier than ever. However, for a true TV watching experience on a computer, a product called Slingbox was created.


Unlike watching television shows on Web sites, Slingbox allows users to watch live television, just like they would if they were in their own homes.


The Slingbox connects directly to the computer. It is smaller than a small DVD player and it uses a home network router to connect from the television to the computer.


There are two main kinds of Slingbox devices. The first device is the Slingbox SOLO, which is the basic Slingbox. Those seeking high-definition quality often choose the Slingbox PRO-HD.


There is no monthly fee to use Slingbox. The only cost is incurred when the device is first purchased.


Although Slingbox does not charge for monthly use of the device, if a person has an Internet service that charges by the kilobyte used or by the amount of time used per month, charges could accrue.
