Avoid Getting a Traffic Ticket Once Stopped by the Police
We've all been pulled over by the police for a traffic violation. Double your chances of driving away ticket free by following these proven tips.
1. When you see the flashing lights, pull over as soon as possible. Try to find an area that offers some safety and protection from fast moving vehicles, like a parking lot or driveway.
2. Turn off the ignition to your vehicle, turn on your interior lights, roll down your window and place both hands on the steering wheel. Never attempt to exit the vehicle. This helps the approaching officer feel much safer about the situation and eliminates the flight risk. An officer at ease is more likely to let you go!
3. Be polite and respectful. Always address the police officer as "officer". They prefer it to "Sir" or "Ma'am". Speak only when spoken to. Don't give excuses, cry, beg or offer lengthy explanations. Make good eye contact.
4. If you need to reach into your purse, wallet or glove box for any papers, move slowly and tell the officer what you are going to do, e.g. "I'm reaching into my glove box for my insurance card".
5. Above all else, be truthful. A police officer deals with liars all day long and they can spot one from a mile away. Sometimes the honesty of your statement itself is enough to sway the officer to your side.
Tags: Avoid Getting, Avoid Getting Traffic, Getting Traffic, Getting Traffic Ticket, Once Stopped, Once Stopped Police, police officer