Thursday, September 23, 2010

Do Light Exposure Photography

Light exposure photography increases exposure time to create trailing lights.

Light exposure photography increases the length that the camera's shutter is open to capture moving light sources as a stream of light across the image. This can create beautiful and artistic shots of cars moving across the frame, planes flying overhead or other lights sources in motion. To achieve light exposure photography, you need to adjust your camera's aperture and shutter speed to match the properties of the scene you are trying to shoot.


1. Place your camera on a tripod. Since you will be working with a longer exposure time, the camera will need to be a still and stable as possible. Any movement from hands shaking will create an image that is too blurry and out of focus to be useful.

2. Adjust your camera's aperture to match the available light in a scene. Generally, start with a mid-range setting of about f/8. Take a few test shots to determine if the shots are overexposed or underexposed. If overexposed, increase the f-stops. If underexposed, decrease the f-stops.

3. Increase the camera's shutter speed. The exact shutter speed to use will vary depending on the subject you are shooting. Allow enough time for the light source to move in and out of frame. Generally, start with a shutter speed of about 15 seconds and increase or decrease it from there.

4. Manually focus. If you are shooting in low light conditions, it may be difficult for your camera to achieve autofocus. Set the focus to manually and adjust the focus yourself so the camera does not move in and out of focus while shooting.

5. Take your shot. You may have to take several shots and adjust the settings until you get the image just right.

Tags: shutter speed, your camera, exposure photography, camera aperture, camera shutter, exposure photography increases