Thursday, September 10, 2009

Use A Remote Control With A Camcorder

A remote control can make using your camcorder a whole lot easier. Remote controls allow you to record and play movies with your camcorder from across the room or house. It is easy to set up your camcorder's remote control.


1. Plug your remote control into the camcorder. Look for the spot marked R/C.

2. Learn the different buttons on your remote control. Most remotes come with power, play, record, stop, fast forward, rewind and pause function. Yours may come with more.

3. Turn the camcorder on. You can do this by pressing the on button on the camcorder, or by pressing the power button on your remote.

4. To watch playback, use the remote control like you would on a VCR or television. Press the button on the remote that corresponds with what you want your camcorder to do.

5. To record events, simply press the "Record" button and your camcorder will begin recording. This is especially handy if you are sitting in an auditorium recording a play from your camcorder on a tripod.

Tags: your camcorder, remote control, your remote, button your, come with, remote control