Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Teleprompter Tips

A teleprompter can be a great tool to enhance a verbal presentation, but if it is not used well it can also cause a speaker to look completely rehearsed and unnatural. You will get the most out of the technical assistance during your next speech if you follow some important teleprompter tips.


Do not wait until you are reading on-screen to read your script aloud for the first time. Read the script and then say the script to get the flow down. If you have written the script yourself, make sure that your words sound casual rather than scripted. For example, you may want use contractions ("we don't know" versus "we do not know") and spell out large numbers when reading from a teleprompter. Practicing before you read on-screen will also help you to determine whether you can see the prompt and whether you and the operator are in sync with one another.

Lead the Teleprompter

Practicing ahead of time with your teleprompter operator should get you to a place where you feel comfortable speaking at a natural pace. The operator will adjust the speed of the script based on what you decide to say or do during your speech. Confidence will make you sound more believable.

Be Engaging

You do not need to shout in order to convey enthusiasm, but you do need to be more energetic than if you were just speaking to a friend. Let yourself get emotionally involved in what you are speaking about, and (unless you are giving a solemn speech) never forget that smiling can warm up your image for the people watching you.

Be Conversational

Although speaking on television requires that you exaggerate your enthusiasm, remember that you want to seem as though you are speaking with people rather than at them. In order to convey a conversational tone, pretend that you are having an energetic conversation with a friend. Use hand and facial gestures rather than keeping still. Use emphasis on certain words that you find are most central to your message. Pause occasionally and--most importantly--breathe naturally. It will loosen you up.

Maintain Eye Contact

Using a teleprompter allows you to speak to your audience with uninterrupted eye contact, so take advantage of it. Do not look away from the center of the screen, or you may appear awkward or suspicious. Though you should maintain eye contact, make sure it is relaxed eye contact. That is, do not look like a deer caught in the headlights by staring wide-eyed without blinking or without relaxing the rest of your face as you speak.

Tags: rather than, during your, make sure, order convey