Friday, December 28, 2012

Download Music To A Micro Sd Memory Card

Micro SD memory card is a large space inside of a small device.

A Micro SD, or secure digital, memory card is a small device that contains a large space for storing files. These cards are usually found in cell phones and digital cameras, but you may use them on computers, if you have the appropriate adapter. You also may download music onto the card and transfer it to another device, which is done mainly for cell phones. With the adapter, the Micro SD card becomes the same as a USB memory drive, which makes this procedure simple to perform.


1. Locate the lock switch on the side of the Micro SD memory card and switch it to the unlocked position. This allows you to save information on the card.

2. Insert the Micro SD memory card into it's adapter. You may buy adapters that fit into laptop expansion card ports or USB adapters.

3. Insert the adapter, with the Micro SD memory card inside, into the compatible port on your computer. The computer will recognize the card as a removable media device.

4. Navigate to the location on the Internet from which you want to download the music.

5. Download the music following the website's instructions and, when the screen appears to prompt you to choose a download location, navigate to the Micro SD card and select it. The music will be downloaded directly to the card.

Tags: memory card, Micro memory, cell phones, large space, Micro card, Micro memory card, Micro memory card