Monday, May 30, 2011

Properly Wrap Microphone Cable

There's nothing more annoying than walking into a session to discover that the mic cables are in massive disarray. They may be wrapped like extension cords or some other abstract work of art. Other times they may just be thrown into a corner and more likely resemble spaghetti.

I will offer a method, which I employ, to both maintain tidiness and prolong the life of your cables.


1. Remove any knots or kinks from the cable.

With most shielded, heavy gauge cables, knots and kinks do the least harm. Though it is good practice to try and prevent them from developing.

2. With the connector in your left hand, carefully pull the opposite end of the cable towards you.

When the cable has been extend by 15 to 18 inches, twist it so that it resembles a lasso.

3. Carefully follow the natural flow of the cable as you are wrapping it. You should be able to feel your way through the process.

4. Once you have established an even flow in your wrapping it will become more comfortable.

Continue the process until you have reached the end of the cable. The cable connectors should eventually meet at opposite ends.

Tags: knots kinks