Thursday, August 20, 2009

Use A Black Scrim

Scrims deflect the sun but still allow you see through them.

A black scrim is a lightweight, canvas sheet that is often used in the broadcast booths at sporting events. When the hosts of the broadcast speak on camera at the introduction of the telecast, they will often do so from the broadcast booth with their backs to the field. If the sunlight is bright, however, they will appear back-lit. To combat this problem, the crew will hang a black scrim over the window of the booth.


1. Measure the size of the opening in the broadcast booth and the size of the black scrim itself. If the scrim is too large, fold it so it will cover the opening but not be large enough that it drapes elsewhere.

2. Clamp the top left corner of the scrim to the window frame, then continue clamping the scrim along the top of the opening. Pull the scrim tight to avoid it fluttering in the wind or sagging.

3. Fasten the sides of the scrim to the sides of the window frame with clamps, pulling the material taught.

4. Place weights on the bottom of the scrim to prevent it from flapping during the telecast. Weights can be anything you have handy in the broadcast booth, such as notebooks, computers or anything heavy.

5. Ask the on-air personalities to stand in front of the scrim as though they're on air. Look through the camera to gauge how the scrim appears. The goal is to have it taught and therefore barely noticeable on the broadcast. It should darken the light coming through the opening but not be overly noticeable by viewers. If you see wrinkles or sags in the scrim, make the necessary adjustments before going on the air.

6. Set your stage lights so they cast their glow on the on-air personalities, but not on the scrim itself. Achieving this task will vary in difficulty, depending on the size and shape of your broadcast room. Apply shutters to the lights to prevent their glow from hitting the scrim directly, as bright light will make the scrim noticeable on the broadcast.

Tags: black scrim, broadcast booth, noticeable broadcast, on-air personalities, scrim itself, their glow