Monday, July 27, 2009

Build Your Own Ring Light

When photography was first invented, the only light used was the sun. The first lighting developed for photography in the 1830s. Next came battery lights and then arc lights. The electric light did not come into use for photography until 1877. The ring light is an electric light that, because if its shape and the amount of light provided, helps to create pictures without shadows.


1. Draw a circle on a piece pf plywood that is 36 inches in diameter. Draw a circle inside it that measures 6 inches less in diameter. Cut out the finished ring shape with a jigsaw.

2. Paint the surface of the plywood circle with an insulating paint. This will help to protect against electric sock.

3. Mount 10 evenly spaced heat-resistant sockets all around the plywood circle. Wire them all together, then connect them to a switch. Mount a switch on the plywood using wood screws.

4. Connect the switch to an extension cord, which you can then plug into the wall. Screw 120-watt floodlight bulbs into the light sockets.

Tags: Draw circle, electric light, plywood circle