Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Use Bescor Battery Belt For Camcorder

Handheld video cameras allow the camera operator to go to places, and fit into spaces, that would have been prohibitive for the very first film and video cameras. With the introduction of mobility, the camera and camera operator could roam freely in situations where natural lighting may not be adequate for proper image exposure. If natural lighting is not acceptable, and stationary professional lighting is not available, a portable light with a battery belt is a possible option to consider. Bescor makes battery belt and light kits for use with camcorders, but they must be used properly to ensure product life and operator safety.


1. If you are using your Bescor battery belt for the first time, you must give your battery an initial charge. Plug your power supply into the battery pack. Plug the power supply into the wall. You will need to continuously charge the battery for the very first time for about 9 to 12 hours. Once charged, disconnect your battery from the power supply.

2. Connect your Bescor portable light to your camcorder's accessory shoe. Depending upon the type of camera you are using, it may be necessary to use an accessory shoe adapter that will provide you with an additional accessory shoe in order to attach a portable light and shotgun microphone to your camcorder.

3. Put on the Bescor battery belt. Shoulder strap models may be worn by either placing the shoulder strap across your shoulder, or by attaching the battery to a standard belt or work belt.

4. Connect the the Bescor portable light to the Bescor battery belt. Pick up the camera. Test the light. Lights use an enormous amount of energy, so when the light is not in use, always turn your light off to preserve battery life.

Tags: battery belt, portable light, accessory shoe, Bescor battery, power supply