Thursday, July 7, 2011

Put On The Rstrap Sling

The R-Strap by BlackRapid replaces conventional camera straps.

The R-Strap is a photography accessory invented and manufactured by a Seattle-based company called BlackRapid. The R-Strap is a camera strap in the form of a sling. It gives the photographer more comfort in wearing a camera strapped to the body. The camera is also easier to pick up and use when attached to the R-Strap compared with when it is hanging on a conventional strap. The camera is secure, comfortable to wear and always at hand.


1. Familiarize yourself with the parts of the R-Strap. The fastener is a small, round component with a screw post on the bottom and a metal loop on top. The connector is a metal swivel loop resembling a carabiner with a screw closure. The bumper is a plastic component on the long part of the strap with a release lever to allow it to slide freely along the strap. The adjuster is a plastic lever built into the front end of the shoulder pad that allows you to lengthen the strap.

2. Screw the fastener firmly into the tripod socket on your camera or lens. If you have more than one tripod socket, buy a fastener for each so you do not have to stop to change sockets during a photo shoot.

3. Pull the lever out on the bumper so that it slides easily along the strap.

4. Attach the metal connector to the fastener on the camera and screw it closed.

5. Hoist the R-Strap over one shoulder. A new R-Strap will be much too short. Pull down in short bursts on the adjuster lever on the front of the shoulder pad with your thumb. Each pull releases the strap a few inches. Stop when the camera reaches your hip level.

6. Pull the shoulder pad over your head to the opposite shoulder so that the R-Strap lies diagonally across your chest. Bring the camera to your eye as if you were going to take a picture. If the strap is not long enough to allow this easily, pull the adjuster lever to lengthen the strap to the length you desire.

7. Let the camera hang at your hip. Pull the bumper component down to the metal connector. Push down on the bumper lever to secure it in place next to the connector. This keeps the camera from swinging too far to the rear. Also, if the shoulder pad moves off your shoulder during shooting, the bumper will force the strap back into place when you place the camera back at hip level.

8. Shorten the R-Strap by releasing the adjuster and pulling on the free end of the strap under the adjuster lever.

Tags: adjuster lever, along strap, front shoulder, lengthen strap, metal connector