Friday, September 13, 2013

Digital Camera Project Ideas

Digital cameras have a variety of features.

Digital cameras increased the speed and accessibility of photography to a much larger group of people than ever before. Even inexpensive digital cameras often come loaded with a variety of features that once required expensive equipment, film or development processes, such as sepia tone, black and white and video recording features. These options can enable a number of photographic projects.

Scavenger Hunts

A photographic scavenger hunt is one project reported by and one that can be appropriate for kids, adults or the entire family. A photographic scavenger hunt can focus on objects that were placed in a given area specifically for the project or on highlighting natural features of an area. If the scavenger hunt takes place in a public area, such as a park, objects to be found might be a bench, a bird or a pond. For one around the home, it might include a sock, a book or another family member. Educators might use such a scavenger hunt for a botany lesson that does not require damaging the local flora.

Digital Scrapbooks

Digital scrapbooks represent a way to be both creative and to preserve important personal or family images. The construction of a digital scrapbook makes the integration of text or other explanatory information, such as a sound recording, much easier than with a traditional scrapbook, reports Digital Photography Projects. The ability to make multiple copies of the scrapbook and store them digitally, thereby reducing the chances of it being destroyed permanently, are significant advantages. The wide availability of free, open-source editing software also means digital scrapbooking does not require a significant investment in additional materials or software.

Stop-Motion Animation

Stop-motion animation remains a popular, low-cost alternative to more expensive professional animation. Stop-motion animation entails taking a series of still images of an object that gets moved a little bit at a time, reports Photojojo. Fortunately, putting together stop-motion animation only requires a basic digital camera, software that likely comes loaded on a computer, such as Microsoft's Moviemaker or Apple's Imovie, and household objects. Anything from a paperclip to dishes can provide the subject of the animation. Many people use clay due to the malleability of the material. The actual animation is accomplished by loading the photographs into the program in the appropriate order. The programs will provide various options that may range from how long each image should display to audio content. Stop-motion animation can make for a fun rainy-day project for a family and a more serious project for an art or film student.

Tags: scavenger hunt, Digital cameras, does require, photographic scavenger, photographic scavenger hunt, variety features