Friday, May 17, 2013

Update Garmin Software

Garmin endeavors to update the software for its GPS devices by correcting errors and improving features. The device receives occasional updates to its firmware, which allows smoother operation, as well as further tweaks to the navigation software. The voice tracks also receive attention with refined scripts and new recordings to enhance clarity. As part of its consumer service, Garmin makes every update and improvement to the GPS software available at no additional cost to consumers.


1. Charge the battery of your Garmin GPS device to full. As the WebUpdater software will warn later in the process, "If the batteries fail during the update process, your device may become unusable and have to be returned to Garmin for service."

2. Connect your GPS to your computer with a USB cable. A compatible USB cable should have been included with the device. When the GPS is connected, the screen will light up and display the Garmin logo and a small picture of the device connected to a computer.

3. Run the WebUpdater software, The opening window should be a welcome screen with a brief description of the WebUpdater Wizard.

4. Click "Next" to proceed with the WebUpdater Wizard. The next window will tell you if there are any updates available for the WebUpdater software. If you downloaded the latest version of the software, there will be none. If necessary, update the WebUpdater software, then run the program again.

5. Click the Find Device button. If your GPS is properly connected to your computer, it will appear in the field next to "Device."

6. After the software has recognized your GPS, click "Next" to continue. The next page will give you information about your device and any available updates.

7. Click "Next" to bring up a page reminding you to make sure your the battery for your GPS is fully charged. If you followed Step 1, you will be fine.

8. Click "Next" to bring up an overview of what is being updated in the software for your GPS. The overview will also list previous updates.

9. Click "Next" to open the page displaying the Software License Agreement. You must check "I agree to the above terms" in order to continue with the update.

10. Click "Next" to begin the update installation. The installation should be fairly quick. After the installation is complete, another page will appear confirming that your GPS has been updated.

11. Click "Next" to have the WebUpdater software search for additional updates for your GPS. Depending on how up to date your device was before running the WebUpdater software, a list of updates will appear that further improve how your GPS operates. As long as the battery is healthy, continue installing updates.

12. Click "Next" after checking off the updates you want installed to your GPS. It is not necessary to download updates for language settings you do not use, but you should install the database and firmware updates. Installation time depends on the number of updates selected.

The next window will display a list of the installed updates, hopefully all followed by "Success." Your Garmin device is now up to date. Click "Finish" to close the WebUpdater software.

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Tags: Click Next, WebUpdater software, updates Click, updates Click Next, will appear