Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hook Up A Cassette Player With A Cd Player

If you have a CD player and would like to connect a cassette player to it, there is a very simple way to do this involving the auxiliary inputs and outputs in the CD and cassette players. Once you hook up these two devices, you can enjoy music from both media formats from the same speakers. This is a great way to combine electronics and take advantage of a central sound system.


1. Find the inputs on the CD and cassette players. If one of the players is portable, then the default output will be the headphone jack, unless it has a digital output jack. If one of the players has speakers attached, input and output jacks should be on the back of the stereo console.

2. Connect the cassette player to the CD player. If the speaker is part of the CD player (like a boom box setup), simply connect the cassette player to the CD player using a male-to-male auxiliary cord. See the Resource section for an example of this cord. Once it is plugged in, the setup is complete. If you are using a portable cassette player with a portable CD player (and are hooking them up to an auxiliary speaker), then proceed to Step 3.

3. Connect portable players to a speaker. If the CD player that you connected to the cassette player does not have speakers, you will need to connect the two devices with a speaker for the setup to work. To do this, plug a Y adapter into the input jack for the speaker, and then plug two 3.5mm male-to-male auxiliary cords (one from the CD player and the other from the cassette player) from the input jack of each player into the female adapter ends of the Y cord. Now the CD player, cassette player and speakers will all be connected.

Tags: cassette player, cassette player, cassette player player, cassette players, connect cassette player, input jack