Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Best Photograph A Backlit Subject

An expensive camera is not required to take a beautiful backlit photograph.

Many photographers avoid photographing subjects that are backlit, given the difficulties with proper exposure and clarity. However, backlighting can add mood, texture, and detail to an image when used correctly. Fortunately, there are several effective methods for photographing backlit subjects that do not require expensive or specialized equipment. While no particular type of camera is required to take beautiful backlit images, the use of cameras with manual controls will make taking the pictures much easier.


1. Take several different photographs of the image, taking care to ensure that each image has either a properly exposed background or properly exposed subject. For best result, use a tripod and keep the camera at the same distance from the subject in all of the images. Next, load all of the images into photo editing software and layer the images one atop the other. In this way, a photo with a properly exposed subject and background can be created even if one can not be photographed due to the difficult lighting.

2. Prevent the camera from overcompensating for the light behind the subject by focusing only on the subject and recording the settings. Manually set the camera using the recorded settings to prevent the camera's light meter from stopping down the camera and take the image of both the subject and background. It may be necessary to reduce the camera's exposure compensation to prevent the fine details in the image from being washed out.

3. Capture a backlit subject by properly metering the background and using a new light source for the front of the subject. Illuminate the front of the subject by using a basic reflector to redirect light from the background onto the front of the subject. Alternatively, use fill flash to provide illumination for the front of the subject without washing out the subject. It may be necessary to experiment to discover the correct amount of flash or the correct reflection angle.

Tags: front subject, properly exposed, beautiful backlit, camera required, camera required take, exposed subject, properly exposed subject