Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Update Your Palm Pda Software

New software add-ons for your Palm PDA will keep your handheld up to date. New apps will broaden the capabilities of your Palm. Follow these steps to learn keep your Palm PDA software up to date.


1. Go to the Palm website. You'll find an array of add-ons, such as games, utilities and business applications. Add-ons not only entertain but also can boost productivity in daily activities.

2. Find the software link at the top of the screen, which will take you to a page that lists the different types of software available for a PDA. Navigate from this page to find software of interest.

3. Click on the "Palm Recommends" icon near the top of the page. Palm's list of featured apps will give you ideas for what you need and usually respond to the demands of the travel and business seasons.

4. Check out the "Software Connection" list at the bottom left of the page. This features a wide variety of software from other vendors and links for more details.

Tags: your Palm, apps will, keep your