Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fix A Camera That Got Wet

Unless your camera is waterproof, you shouldn't try using it this close to water.

Despite the lengths you go to protect your camera or camera phone, sometimes mistakes happen and your phone ends up getting wet. You don't need a new camera just because it was doused with a drink or dropped in a pool. If you act quickly, you can dry out the device and save it from permanent damage.


1. Remove the battery and memory/SIM card as quickly as possible. Do not turn the camera on. Do not use the SIM card again until it's dry.

2. Remove the casing from the device. Use a screwdriver if necessary, but make sure you can put it back together. Keep the parts in a dry, ventilated area.

3. Pack the phone in a container filled with rice or silica gel packets. Leave it overnight or longer, depending on the extent of the damage.

4. Dry out the device with cotton swabs, terry cloths or paper towels. Use a blow dryer on the lowest setting for a few minutes or leave it under a desk lamp for about 24 hours. Don't overheat the device. Also try using a fan.

5. Reassemble and test the device after a few days. If the phone doesn't work, try a new battery or alternate power source before buying a new phone. If the camera still doesn't work, you will need a new one.

Tags: doesn work, your camera