Friday, March 12, 2010

Fun Things To Do With Film Cameras

Film stock can be very expensive.

A film camera or movie camera captures moving images onto film; when these images are played back through a projector, the still images appear to be fluid and moving. Most commercially-produced films are shot on 35mm film stock. Most amateur film cameras carry 16 or 8mm film stock. 35mm film stock can be pricey, costing over $10 a foot. Film is typically shot at 24 FPS, or frames per second. It is easy to have just a few minutes of film cost several hundred dollars.

Capture Precious Memories

Film stock has a unique look that is difficult to replicate on digital video cameras. Film stock has a soft look to it and richer colors. Capturing special moments on film gives those moments a historic look. A graduation, child's birthday, holiday or vacation captured on film can give home movies a look from a different era.

Shoot a Short Dramatic Film

A short film is generally considered to be any film less than 40 minutes. A short film typically has a cohesive narrative and an easy-to-follow plot. The film can be about anything. It should follow a basic three-act plot structure, but it does not have to. Use what the director has access to. Shoot at home and in public locations. Cast friends as actors and have fun doing it.

Shoot an Art or Experimental Film

An art film generally does not have a dramatic structure or story. There are no rules; the idea is to be as creative as possible. The use of film as a medium is part of the art. Experimental filmmakers use the film stock and their medium as part of the art. Since film stock is very sensitive to light, it is easy to use different lighting effects to create unique images. Art film allows the filmmaker to stretch his imagination and create beautiful scenes without trying to insert them into a specific plot or narrative.

Shoot a Nature Film

Capturing the natural world is a process that forces the filmmaker to look at her environment in a unique way. Rather than just capturing conventional shots, the filmmaker is challenged to find new ways of looking at the world. This can be achieved by using a number of cinematic techniques. For example; the filmmaker, rather than filming a flower, may choose to adopt the gaze of the flower and shoot what the flower sees.

Tags: film stock, 35mm film, 35mm film stock, does have, film generally, Film stock